Thursday, December 21, 2017

Gingerbread, Gingerbread, Gingerbread

Stockton and Jorja both had friends over to decorate gingerbread houses. Maysen also was able to build her house, since she was at college for each of our family parties. It was a crazy, fun time.
Jorja ~ this is the gingerbread house she made with the student government kids
 Stockton & Sydney
 I like the lego tree and the upside down snowman
 Hailey & Jorja
 Jorja made a cool manger scene. I tried to take close up pictures, but this is the only one that turned out.
These are the three wisemen with their various gifts. The long pretzel is a camel.
 Drew tried to decorate his house with zombie repellant. It disintegrated his house.
This is all he had left. I still made him take a picture.
 Jorja and Hallie dancing, not sure why.
 Hallie, Sami, Hailey, Jorja, Evan, Drew
 Hallie attacking Evan
Sami, Hailey and Jorja laughing at him.
 Hallie, Sami, Hailey, and Jorja's still laughing
 Hallie, Sami, Hailey, Jorja, Evan ~ now getting attacked by Drew
 Hallie, Sami, Hailey, Jorja, Evan, Drew
 I think it's funny that Drew is looking at his bunny ear fingers
 Hailey, Jorja, Evan
 Hallie, Sami, Hailey, Jorja, Evan, Drew
 Hallie & Sami
 Sami, Hallie, Hailey, Jorja, Evan
 Hailey, Jorja
 Hallie, Sami, Hailey, Jorja
 Hallie, Sami, Jorja, Hailey
 Evan with creepy Jorja
 Hallie, Jorja, Drew 'pouring' zombie repellent on Sami's house, Evan, Hailey
Jorja and her friends watched Elf after decorating the houses. Jorja gave Evan his Christmas present. She got him this fly shooter gun and Season 5 of Parks and Rec. I wish I had a picture or a video of his face. He liked the presents. The episode of Parks and Rec that made Evan laugh and laugh is in Season 5. This is the episode that Jorja and Hailey recreated and sent to Evan. Perfect present for him.

Gavin came over and hung out with Stockton and Sydney for about an hour. They played ping pong and other such nonsense downstairs. Sydney left when Stockton and Gavin went to diving. Preston was feeling sick, so he stayed home. Gavin came back after diving and hung out with Stockton and Jorja.
Stockton & Gavin
 Gavin, Jorja, Hallie
Yay! I survived the last gingerbread party of the season! I'm still making gingerbread. I'm trying to get enough to give to the people we home and visit teach. Plus a few extras. I am determined to figure out how to made a dairy free/egg free house. That way if Mike and Christen are ever here around Christmas, I can make a house for Larkin and Blake. I want to give the house to Becky Johnson. Luke is allergic to dairy and eggs too. I will figure this out. I'm mostly worried about getting frosting strong enough to hold the house up, but I will figure this out.

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