Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Reference Pictures

I spent most of the day making gingerbread and shopping for Christmas jammies. I was tempted to skip the jammies this year, except I didn't want Stockton to give me an empty jar for Christmas. He would tell me that it is a jar that holds all our Christmas memories.

Jorja has Maysen's name for Christmas. One of the things Maysen asked for was reference pictures for drawing. She was hoping Jorja could give her pictures of herself with different expressions and doing different poses. Hallie was over last night, so that is what they worked on. If I had more time I would label them like Jorja did. Maybe one day I will come back and do that. For now, it is just a bunch of pictures of Jorja and Hallie.
 Jorja took this picture for Evan. He always teases her that 'her hair is like a waterfall'.
That is because a boy that liked her at EFY would say that to her, so now Evan tells her that everyday.
 Hallie & Jorja

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