Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Student Government

Well, last Tuesday Student Government had a Christmas breakfast. Jorja had to miss Chinese for it. She had so much fun at this breakfast. She also found her secret Santa was Carson. He gave her lots of chapstick. It was funny because when Jorja and I were at Seagull book we saw him there. I swear Jorja asked me for chapstick and I joked about how I always had chapstick and wouldn't be without it.
Caden, Jorja, Sam, Carter, Bode, Marshall
Mackie, Finn, Luke, Ellie, Eliza, Brenton, Sydney, Abby
Isaac, Clayton, Kenzie, ?, Liz, Jack, Rachel, Darby, Travin, Baylor, Mr. Packer
Drew, Noni, ?, Carson, Morgan, Kaylen, Cade
Maysen and I took my dad out to breakfast for his Christmas present. Kind of lame, I know, but I don't have anything wonderful for him this year. We went to OHOP, but it was super crowded. We left and went to Bruges. We were the only ones there and it was delicious.

Jorja had a therapy appointment today. Her next one will be a month from now. When we were scheduling the appointment her therapist told me that Jorja is doing so much better than when she first started coming. I can see that as well and it makes me so happy! I took Jorja straight home and she slept most of the day away. She wasn't feeling super good and wanted to be able to feel better for the student government party later that night. I woke her up at 8:00 pm. That is when the party started. She wasn't sure she wanted to go. I convinced her to walk around and see how she felt. She ended up going and having a great time. She told me that Kenzie, the SBO president, talked with her for over an hour. She gave her advice and really made Jorja feel important. That made me happy.
Jorja, Kenzie, Drew, Liz
Jorja also found out she was cast as an ensemble member for Macbeth. There are only four ensemble members. She said she is glad she doesn't have a speaking part for her first play. Pretty cool that she got in. Lots of people tried out and there are not many parts. I hope she loves it and it doesn't interfere with school or softball. It should be fun!

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