Monday, December 18, 2017

Hailey's Pin

Jorja had a super busy day today. There was the Christmas assembly at school. She didn't need to do anything specific for that this time, but the assemblies are always busy. She had to dress up and wear her government sweater. I think she was one of the people with buckets trying to get donations. Seminary was after the assembly. They were having a program as well. Everyone in 2nd period. Jorja was asked to speak. I snuck down and listened outside the door. She did a great job. She started by asking if anyone knows someone who just glows. They just make people happy and you love being around them. Jorja said that she used to be one of those people. Lots of people would tell her that she glowed. She loved it and it was her favorite complement. She then talked about how she has really struggled these past few months. She has gone through some hard things and she felt like she lost that attribute about herself. She talked about working on becoming happy again, and although her problems didn't go away she is able to feel herself coming back. Anyway, it was really cute and she did a great job. She ended by saying she wanted to thank someone who is always a light to her in her world. Someone who is always there for her and someone she can always count on. Stockton. Stockton has seminary 2nd period as well, so he was there. Jorja said that Stockton is a senior and will be going on a mission soon and that is really scary to her. He has been there her entire life and it is scary to think of her life with him gone. Jorja choked up when she was talking about Stockton, which made my eyes water. It was adorable.
Jorja was not thrilled when she found out that I was there. I told her after school. I think Stockton, Gavin, Preston and Jorja were in the kitchen when I was talking to her. When Jorja asked why I would do that I said, "Is there anyone in this room that thinks I wouldn't do that?" Haha! Stockton drove Gavin and Preston to diving. I stayed behind so I could take Jorja to her Macbeth audition. She did her monologue for me before we left. I was shocked at how good she was. She didn't want me to come inside, so I read a book in the car. She thought it went well. She doesn't expect to get a part, since she is just a freshman and really doesn't know what she is doing; but she told me she thought it would be good experience to audition. I love that about her. She is just trying everything, wether it makes her uncomfortable or not.

Jorja finished making Hailey's birthday present tonight. She wanted to bring it over to her so she wouldn't have to bother her on her birthday tomorrow. Jorja got her a scrapbook and filled a couple of pages with pictures of them. Hailey loved it. She also brought her a Christmas present. She gave her more stuff for her scrapbook. Paper and sheet protectors.
Jorja & Hailey
Hailey gave Jorja a pin for her government sweatshirt. Jorja and I laughed so hard. It is the dinosaur from the "All My Friends are Dead" book. Hailey said she saw it right after she read the book at our house. Best pin ever!
Hailey also gave Jorja a notebook that says "Throw kindness around like confetti". Hailey's mom always laughs about Jorja screaming "Confetti!" at an Indian Hills fun run years ago.
Jorja & Hailey
Jorja got back pretty late and still had a math test to prepare for. I think she called Evan and he helped her for awhile. Hopefully they won't be too tired tomorrow.

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