Sunday, December 17, 2017

Gingerbread and Christmas Pageant

We did gingerbread houses in my primary class today. The girls were all there, but Dane was missing. They had the best time! They all knew to expect this, so they could hardly contain their excitement during sharing time. They did a mini pageant during sharing time so that helped a lot! Here are some pictures of my little class decorating their houses.
Natalie, Andi, Alex
 Kortney, Alex, Andi, Natalie's arms
 Alex, Andi, Natalie, Kortney
 Andi, Natalie
 Alex, Andi, Natalie
This is my last class with these girls. What a fun way to end teaching them! In other news, I also am in charge of getting the missionary plaques for my ward. I brought Jaxson's and Landon's plaque to church last week. I was busy with my class and wasn't able to get the plaques to the bishopric until after church. They told me to give them to Duff Yauney because he has the key to the missionary case. Duff was gone by then, but Josh was there practicing with the orchestra for the Christmas program. I gave the plaques to Josh and asked him to give them to his dad. When I got home I asked Mike to text Duff and make sure he knows to be looking for them. Mike forgot. (We had my family over for gingerbread that week, so it was a little crazy.) Anyway, the plaques weren't there today, so I was a little disappointed. Mike asked Duff about them and he never received them. Josh never brought them home! They were still looking for them after church. I felt sick to my stomach. Luckily they didn't tell me they were missing until after my class, then they found them shortly after. The plaques say 'Crescent 18th Ward' on them, so they were turned into the Bishop. How embarrassing. Anyway, they are now safely hanging in the hallway at church. Duff doesn't have a key, but he showed me how to break into the case. I think I will just put the plaques there myself next time.
Duff breaking into the missionary plaque case.
We had the Smith family Christmas pageant at Brent's house today. We were late because when we were almost to the freeway I remembered that I didn't bring Melissa's diaper bag. She had left it at our house when we did gingerbread and called me about it a few days ago. Mike wanted to keep going, but I knew if I did I would need to drive to Springville to bring it back to her. I knew I wouldn't have time to do that. I also brought the fiery starbursts. Mike dumped them out of the bag onto the food table. I wasn't in the room when people started trying them. Mike said it was so funny. Especially since they expected them to taste like regular starbursts.

Maysen wasn't in the pageant this year. Stockton and Jorja were assistant inn keepers. Weston was the inn keeper. Basically they hid in the playhouse the entire pageant. At least they had fun. Preston was an angel. The regular angel costumes didn't make it this year, so Preston made his own halo out of a paper plate.
Weston & Jorja
 Erica, Weston, Jorja
 Preston is the angel in the middle. He is super enthused about being one.
 Weston the innkeeper. Stockton and Jorja are in there somewhere.
 Jorja & Stockton
 The cast. I see Brandon and Erica as shepherds, Preston is with the angels.
Nova is a wise man, and I don't recognize anyone else.

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