Saturday, December 16, 2017


Jorja helped me get the day 5 and 6 packages ready. We chose 'five golden oranges'. We had a nativity ornament on the package as well. For day six we did 'six hugs and kisses'. We put the hugs and kisses candies on a bag. There was a book called "I Will Not Leave You Comfortless" on the inside. I hope they like it.

Preston had his piano recital today. It was a small crowd this time. Preston did great! I was disappointed that I forgot to video him. He didn't mind though.
Taggert, Preston, Hall kids (Eli is in blue), Ava, Sister Newman
 Preston with Sister Newman's Christmas treat
Mike and I were assigned to chaperone the Christmas dance. It is a boys choice dance. We tried to get Stockton to take Jorja. We tried to convince him that it would be fun. We would be there chaperoning. Stockton said, "You're really selling this mom. Come on Stockton, take your sister! It will be fun ~ I'll be there." Haha. I guess that's not the best tactic. Mike and I turned out to be the only chaperones that showed up. Mr. Packer was so mad. He said this has never happened before. He sent out a mean text and got someone else to come, but no where near the number he needed. It's weird because everything is laid out in the student government book that is passed out at the beginning of the year. I've had this on my calendar. Under Christmas dance it said, "Freshman Public Relations', along with the names of the other people who needed their parents to come as chaperones. Mike and I had a great time. We were in charge of the hall by the drama room. Our job was not to let anyone past the doors. We literally spent three hours playing on rolling chairs. It was so much fun. We kept sending videos to the kids. They didn't think we were half as amusing as we thought we were. We were supposed to be there for only the first half of the dance, but no other chaperones showed up to take our place. At least we had fun while we were there. By the end we were pretty good. Mike and I were dancing with the chairs when Mr. Packer walked by. I said, "Can we chaperone Morp?" Nope. I guess one dance of dealing with our antics is enough.
Mike's chair dance
Partner dance a.k.a. what we did for three hours
Life is good.

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