Friday, December 15, 2017

Murder Mystery

As soon as Preston left for school I was headed out the door to Logan. I brought Maysen back with me! She is home for the entire Christmas break! Yay! I got home in time to go on splits with Sister Argo. I was a little nervous about it, but she already had appointments lined up. Getting the appointments scares me.

Jorja had her murder mystery performance today. She had two shows. One at 5:00 and one at 7:30. We got tickets for the 7:30 show. I also got two extra tickets to bring two of Jorja's friends. I thought that would be a fun surprise. We ended up bringing Hailey and Gavin. Bringing Gavin made the performance much more fun for Stockton! The plan was to pick up Gavin from his ward Christmas party. Gavin texted Stockton and wanted to pick up a flower for Jorja. We went to the party early, but Stockton decided to stay. Hailey and I went to the store together. I didn't like any of the flowers, so I didn't come back with any. Hailey and I did load up on snacks that Jorja and her friends could eat in the back. That was a hit.

Jorja's performance was so much fun! She told me she didn't have any lines, so not to expect anything. They ended up sitting us at her table. Jorja told me not to sit there. Too bad Mike got there before me. It worked out well though because we got to interact with the Porge. She was SO FUNNY! The person who ended up getting murdered also sat at our table. I can't describe all the different things Jorja did, but she had us laughing the entire time. She was quite sassy. When Mike didn't finish his salad and said he was done she gave him a look of death. Then she calmly took the plate away and dumped it on another plate of someone who had left the table. That ended up being the person who got murdered. I was wondering if Jorja was the murderer after all! She wasn't, but I had a great time tonight. I am so proud of Jorja for trying things out of her comfort zone.
 You can't see very well, but Addie Wray asked Stockton to dance. Addie's head is by the Christmas tree.
Stockton was wearing pajama pants. Haha! He said they were plaid, so they were 40s themed.
 Stockton, Gavin, Jorja, Hailey, Maysen, Preston's blurry head
 Stockton, Gavin, Jorja, Hailey, Maysen, Sami
 Sami & Jorja
 Sami, Jorja, Heather ~ Heather is the one who signed Jorja up to audition without Jorja's knowledge.
 Heather was Jorja's pantomime partner. She is a junior and just transferred to Alta.
 The murder mystery cast
 Jorja & Natalie ~ how did Jorja get so tall? Wait. I'm pretty sure it is her heels.
 I must have mentioned Jorja was tall next to Natalie. She's fixing that.
 Stockton & Jorja ~ love these two
Mike took the kids to our house. I stayed with Jorja until she was able to sneak out about 45 minutes later. Hailey and Gavin were at our house. They had fun playing around until I was too tired and took everyone home.

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