Thursday, December 7, 2017

Monkey Face

My goal was to make 12 gingerbread houses today. I got behind schedule, so I stayed home from diving. Stockton drove Preston and Gavin. The Relief Society presidency visited me because this month is my birthday month. I was just finishing my last gingerbread house when they arrived. The plus was my house smelled absolutely amazing. Stockton brought home Gavin from diving today. He hung out with the kids for a long time. Ping pong was played, and I found weird pictures on my phone.
Jorja & Gavin
 Stockton, Monkey Preston, Gavin, Jorja
I have no idea what was going on in any of those pictures. I fell asleep early. For some reason I thought it was the weekend. Well, hopefully no one is tired tomorrow. The kids had a great time with Gavin. Stockton and Jorja dropped him off pretty late. Whoops. It was super cute watching those three together. Until I got too tired and went to sleep. I am old.

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