Friday, December 8, 2017

By Myself

Mike took the kids to the cabin today. He also took Hailey. He wanted to let Jorja drive some of the way. She ended up driving for an hour and a half. She started feeling sick, which isn't the greatest thing to happen this weekend. Especially sad because Hailey came up with her. I hope they all have a fun time. Mike said there isn't much snow. They even drove up to the cabin. That is crazy! I don't know if we have ever been able to drive up to the cabin in December.

I stayed home because of three reasons. One, there is a two day dive meet at the U that I am supposed to help at. Stockton did not want to do it this time and I did not want to force him. Still, I had signed up and I didn't want to back out. Two, Rachel and the girls are going to come down some time this weekend and I want to be here if they are in town. Three, we are having the Millburn family gingerbread party on Sunday and I need to get ready.

I went to the dive meet and helped hand out the awards. I also helped at the table for the platform event. I decided I wanted soup for dinner and stopped by Zupas by Mike's old work on the way home. It was gone! Oh well. I ended up driving to Walmart and getting the bases I needed for the gingerbread houses, so at least that got done. I was seriously considering procrastinating on that! At least I won't have to leave the house super early tomorrow morning.

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