Saturday, December 9, 2017

Cabin, Temple and Gingerbread

Mike sent me these pictures from the cabin today. I can not believe that there is water. It is not frozen. I don't think I have ever seen the water in December before. Usually they are riding snowmobiles on the lake this time of year. Truly bizarre. Beautiful though.
 I hope there is a lot more snow by Christmas!
Jorja ended up feeling sick for most of the day. I hope Hailey wasn't bored. I think they mostly watched movies. Not nearly as fun as the last time they came up here.

I went to the dive meet this morning. I couldn't stay as long as they wanted me to because Rachel was on her way down, but I found people to fill my spots.

Rachel and I took the girls down to Temple Square tonight. It was cold, but I think the girls had a good time. Especially at the Food Court play place. That was such a blessing! Warm and a place for the girls to run around! They needed it after the long drive and walking through crowds and crowds.
 Blurry Mina and Marie
 Spiderman Mina and Eve at the Disney Store
We got home pretty late and put the girls to bed. Rachel and I stayed up until 2:00 in the morning getting the houses put together. I had fun talking with Rachel which made the time go super fast! Twenty-two houses done and ready for tomorrow!

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