Sunday, December 10, 2017

Millburn Family Gingerbread

I have a ton of pictures on this entry, which is one reason it has taken me forever to post. I am just going to put these pictures up in the order they were taken with little commentary.

Mike, Stockton, Jorja, Hailey and Preston came back from the cabin today. It was a really quick trip and Jorja was sick most of the time. I hope Hailey wasn't incredibly bored.
Hailey & Jorja
 Someone ate Mike's 'Baby Jesus' while he was gone.
Mike made it back in time for church. Rachel and her girls came with us. Mina was in my class. That was fun!
Grace and another visitor got picked to play the bells.
 Elle, Asher, Alex (I think, hard to tell from this angle, and it was a week ago), Mina
 Natalie got my phone and I have many pictures just like this.
My family came over for gingerbread houses. It was the first time Rachel and her girls were able to make it. They LOVED it! Marie kept saying how much fun she was having. Yay!!! I'm glad they were able to come down from Idaho for this! Ella and Abby were sick. Bubs and Ange had them wear masks. Rachel and her girls wore them too hoping to not catch what they had. Turns out Ella and Abby had pneumonia. Amelia also got pneumonia a few days later. Lincoln had pneumonia over Thanksgiving. That is all four kids. That sounds awful.
Mina, Grace behind her, Ella, Mari and the back of Eve's head
 Mina, Ella, Marie, Eve and Abby
 She takes this seriously!
 I love how the little kids can participate. They LOVE this!
 Rachel & Grace
 Preston, Jeff & Matt, Amelia
 Preston, Stockton, Greg
 I think that's a candy chimney on his house.
 Jeff & Matt
 I kept trying to get a good picture of my dad. You can see how his pupils are different sizes in this one.
 The different sized pupils are an old wiffleball injury.
 Anne ~ I made her a dairy free house. Notice those cute balls on the house? Yep. NOT dairy free.
 Lincoln's house
 Preston . . . with a knife . . . again . . .
 Mike's nativity ~ nice googly eyes
 Dad & Max
 Anne & Amelia
 Jeff & Eve
 Ella & Marie
 Rachel, Grace, Mina
 Rachel & Grace
 Jeff & Eve
Jeff got Sam's phone, clicked on the Netflix app, picked a show and started watching.
 I like Marie's heart.
 That tree is standing upright on pretzel sticks. Not an easy task.
 I like Stockton's starburst wall.
I made him take a knew picture because he added orange sticks.
 Bat Anne! She loves to find this mask whenever she comes to our house.
 Anne, Matt, Greg
 Two little kids up to mischief ~ Jeff & Eve
 Everyone loves the ice machine!
 My dad fixing Lincoln's glasses
 Ange & Bubs
I like the Santa hat on the cinnamon bear.
 Look how cute those snowmen are!
 Amelia ~ get a good look at this house!
 There's a waffle ball field in the back
 Abby, Amelia, Bubs & Ange, Ella, Lincoln
Again, get a good look at Amelia's house.
 Ange was balancing too many things as she was trying to find Amelia's shoes.
As a result, Amelia's house fell and shattered on the ground.
Amelia was not happy, but we sent her home with a new house, new candy, and a new frosting bag.
 Anne & Grace
 Jeff & Anne
 Jeff LOVED eating his house!
 Jeff & Eve
I love the couch Rachel made for the cinnamon bears.
 Grace, Rachel, Mina, Marie, Eve
Stockton was playing this weird ping pong game that Mike brought home the other day. It is on the Wii or some device like that. Stockton had the little kids laughing their heads off. He would go crazy if he lost a point, he would celebrate a ton if he won. Both his winning and losing sounded similar. Jeff and Anne were laughing so hard! Even Eve was laughing! Eve is scared of Stockton. He walks into a room and Eve immediately goes to find Rachel. She thought Stockton was quite hilarious here. And he was. Have I mentioned how good Stockton is with kids?
Stockton making Grace, Anne, Jeff and Eve laugh
 I think Jeff liked the performance the most.
 Welp, this is the one final picture I got of my dad. Not his best.
 Max and Dad
 I think that's a hot tub.
And that's a wrap! Jorja ended up staying in her room. She was not feeling well. She went to sacrament meeting, but Mike took her home afterwards. Not a fun weekend for her. The rest of us had a great time though!

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