Monday, December 11, 2017

Dancing with the Hawks

Stockton was able to get a free ticket to Dancing with the Hawks with his Pinnacle card from Arete. He is supposed to get into all Alta events for free. Except they wouldn't let him get into the musical for free. This time he asked at the front office during school. They were shocked that they wouldn't let him into the musical. The problem is, hardly anyone earns the Arete award. This year two people have it. Stockton and Nate Brown. Nate was the Tin Man in the musical. Anyway, long story short, Stockton was pretty pleased he got a free ticket. Because of that I didn't have him go to diving. I took Preston though. Preston's class is shorter. Preston and I got home just in time for me to drop him off leave for the performance. Mike and I went. We were a few minutes late. As we were walking in, the host was speaking. I told Mike that it sounded just like Paul Winkelman. Sure enough, it was! Paul was my ballroom instructor when I was in high school. Alta didn't have a ballroom team then. They started one the year after I left. Terrible timing. I was hoping I would get a chance to say hi, but that never happened. We were able to watch Gavin dance. He was in three group numbers. I remember going to this a few years ago when my nephew Michael won! That seems like a long time ago. Still a fun night, but it makes me miss Michael.
Jorja, Gavin, Stockton
 And a picture without Jorja's eyes closed.
I took Jorja and Hailey home. Jorja and I stopped by Walmart and picked up some things for her secret Santa. She has a girl in student government named Lexi Buxton. She got some fiery Starbursts and a few other things. She also has a Hank Smith cd to give her. Jorja and I got home before Mike and Stockton did. Mike said Stockton spent an hour talking to his friends. I think it was Nate Brown and Addie Wray. Mike said Stockton looked like a completely different person. I guess he has never really seen him interact with his peers before.

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