Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The First of Twelve Days

I am so far behind on my blog. I'm hoping to catch up before we leave to the cabin. Let's just assume that I spent most of my time making gingerbread houses. Speaking of gingerbread, Rachel's girls were so cute. They kept adding to their houses everyday. They left today, so I made Mina take another picture. I'm so glad they were finally able to decorate houses with us this year!
Rachel slept over at her brother's house last night. She came back this morning and helped me make sweet potato soup. It was SO GOOD! She then packed up and headed back to Idaho. Hopefully we will see her at the cabin after Christmas.

We started the 12 days of Christmas today with a few neighbors. We have four families delivering to four people who have recently lost their spouse. Becky set this up. It's kind of cool how she is doing it. We are each in charge of one family and three days. I have day 4, 5, and 6. I will buy four different day four things and deliver them to the other three families. They will then take them to their assigned house. Today Jacqui dropped off soup from a fancy place. Preston delivered it. He was so cute as he hid by their garage and tried not to set off their motion detectors.

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