Thursday, January 4, 2018

Birthday Lunch

Becky has always remembered my birthday. That doesn't happen often with a birthday two days after Christmas, and with me usually being out of town. It makes me so happy when I get a text from her asking to go to lunch for my birthday. She picked Epic. It was delicious. Too bad Becky couldn't eat anything because she just came back from the dentist. She had two cavities filled and her face looked like she just had a stroke. She thought the appointment would be over an hour before lunch, but the dentist was running late. Camee and Karen were also there. We stayed at Epic for about two hours. It was so nice. Plus, they all bought me lunch and brought me gifts. I told them that just the fact they remembered my birthday was enough. Becky got me socks and a cute notebook. Karen and Camee got me fancy soap, lip balm and a nice planner. It was such a fun afternoon.

Stockton texted me after school to let me know Jorja was crying. I'm getting so frustrated with this. Why can't everyone just be nice? It's not hard to be nice. So what if you got your feelings hurt because Jorja snapped at you for calling her Porgie, and especially for telling other people to call her Porgie. Porgie is my name for her! I think the only people that call her Porge or Porgie are me, Mike and her Uncle Steve. I'm not sure I've ever heard anyone else use that name. Maybe my dad has, I'm not sure. Maybe other family members have as well. It has not stuck in my mind because they are our family, and they love Jorja. But until recently, the only people that used that name were people who love her unconditionally. People who would never hurt her. Plus, Porgie is a dumb name. Who would want to call her that? But when I call her Porgie or Porge it is filled with so much love. She is my baby. She has been my Porge from the instant I saw her. I never intended to call her Porge, it just happened. The only people who should call her Porge are people who love her completely, perfectly, unconditionally and entirely. People who are safe. Like her family. Not someone who found out about that name and thinks it's funny. I do not want this name to become tainted with pain. She is my Jorja Porge who I love with all my heart. I want her to always be my tiny little Porgie.

I took Stockton, Preston and Gavin to diving today. I brought the nice camera so I could take pictures to send into the yearbook. That didn't happen. Gavin forgot his swimsuit. Haha! We were even teasing him before we left about forgetting his swimsuit awhile ago. Gavin came home from school with Stockton. He brought everything to school. I guess he left his stuff in his locker. Whoops. Instead Gavin spent his time doing handstands and tricep dips while he waited for Stockton to finish. Not such a fun day, especially when he has a Calculus test tomorrow.

I took a few pictures today, but none of them turned out great. I wasn't really trying too hard. I was sewing Eve's stocking and would grab the camera every once in awhile. I grabbed the camera really fast one time and couldn't take pictures. Stockton did the best twist I have ever seen him do. The camera was off, so I missed it. Whoops.
Preston absolutely HATED this drill. Ted got mad and yelled at him. I heard him yell, "I'm right and you're wrong so stop arguing with me!" Preston didn't handle that too well. He cried. He cried in the showers for awhile, then he came by me and cried. It took me about fifteen minutes, but I convinced him to go back. He even brought back the kickboards himself and tried again. I'm proud of him for going back into an uncomfortable situation when he really didn't want to. I don't know if Preston has ever been yelled at before, so it was kind of scary for him. After practice Ted came up to me and said he was proud of Preston for coming back. He said he was trying to get Preston out of his comfort zone and push him to try new things.
Coach I can't remember his name, Ted, Preston
 One more blurry one of Stockton
I snapped this picture of the kids after scripture study. I love having Maysen home with us. It is nice to have all of my family together.
Preston, Stockton, Maysen
I started laughing so hard during scripture study. I'm not even sure what I was laughing about. Something Mike said about cleaning our room. For some reason I thought it was so funny. Not cleaning our room, just the way he phrased it. I couldn't stop laughing. I had my scriptures over my face. I was crying so hard my pages got wet. Mike then skipped Jorja and asked me to read. Just to see if I could do it. I did. I'm amazing. Haha! When Jorja noticed I was laughing she mentioned how inappropriate it was to laugh during scriptures. The only thing worse would be laughing when someone was throwing up. That made me laugh even harder. It also hurt really bad when I was laughing, yet I couldn't stop. Thinking about how my chest was hurting made me laugh more. Anyways, good times. The earth was still created, even if I wasn't completely reverent. (We were reading Moses.)

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