Friday, January 5, 2018

What's Up Doc

Today was our last full day with Maysen. She tried hard to get the Hershey kisses off of her house. They were stuck on there good! I laughed and laughed as I watched her.
We got Maysen mostly packed up tonight. I'm sad to see her leave. It has been so nice to have all my family home. Maysen chose the activity for tonight. She chose to see an old movie. What's Up Doc. That was weird! Kind of funny, but really weird. It didn't make any sense. Especially since I fell asleep in the middle. I don't know why I do that. I try so hard to stay awake. I just can't. My tiny nap during the movie woke me up enough to stay up until past midnight talking to Jorja though. Hopefully I won't be tired on the road tomorrow.

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