Saturday, January 6, 2018

No More Maysen

Maysen and I got up early this morning to head back to Logan. I took her shopping, helped her get her things up to her room, and we mapped out her new schedule before I headed home. She still doesn't have a roommate. I was really hoping she would have one this semester. I think it is pretty lonely living completely by yourself, even for Maysen.

I went straight from Logan to Alta to pick up Jorja. She was there setting up for Alta Idol which is scheduled for Monday. Jorja and I stopped and got something to eat before we met Kelsee at her hair studio. She is teaching Jorja different ways to do her hair. That is what we got Jorja for Christmas. I think she's going to love it.
Kelsee & Pirate Jorja
 Kelsee did this braid on Jorja's hair before we left.
I went to Matt and Sam's and finally gave Anne and Jeff their birthday books. I had them in time for their birthday, but they went out of town before I could get their books to them. Then I kept forgetting. Isaac came over today. Jorja taught Isaac how to play Chinese chess. I got them to play the shocking game once. They refused to play it more than once. I laughed when Isaac got shocked. He certainly wasn't expecting that. Jorja and Isaac talked for a long time. I hope they got things figured out where they can be friends again. After Isaac left we FaceTimed Maysen and read scriptures. I liked that. We also watched some tv as a family. Goldbergs and a weird episode of Speechless. I fell asleep early. I was so tired and a tiny bit nervous for my class the next day.

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