Sunday, January 7, 2018


My first Gospel Essentials lesson went great. We didn't have a huge class, only six people, but I was happy with how the lesson turned out. I used my dad's powerpoint about the succession in the presidency. Stockton's class also talked about the same thing. Jorja's class was funny. She said that the teacher was talking about how he has had other classes make shields. He then asked, "Does anyone remember Stockton Smith?" Hahahaha! Like he has been long gone. I guess he liked Stockton's shield. He passed out shields other people have made to the class. Brenton got Stockton's shield. Jorja said Brenton busted up laughing. Brenton then put on his shield, ""Quote, End Quote" - Thomas S. Monson" - Stockton. I also like how one of Stockton's goals is 'finish shield'. I love that kid!
It is so nice having 9:00 church! We had tons of time left after church was over! We made chicken and waffles for dinner. Kind of a Georgia thing. I went to Bubs and Ange's house and finally gave them their Christmas present. I thought I ordered it in time, but it arrived the day we left to Idaho, after we had left. Rachel helped me pick it out, it is a mandoline slicer. Hopefully no one gets hurt. Mike got the Colt Express app. It is about five bucks, but you can download it on six devices within your family. It was fun and the graphics are great. Plus, I won both games we played. We FaceTimed Maysen again for scripture study. I have been loving that! Hopefully we don't annoy her. The kids all got to bed really late tonight. Yikes! Fingers crossed for non-grumpiness!

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