Monday, January 8, 2018

New Semester

Both Maysen and Stockton started new semesters today. Maysen up at Utah State, Stockton at Salt Lake Community College. Maysen had oceanography and two psychology classes. She also found out she will be getting a roommate. Yay! Stockton had his first English 2010 class. His class is at 7:00 at SLCC. This won't be a problem in two weeks, but right now he has to miss his Humanities class in order to attend. He finished all his work and cleared it with his teacher, let's hope she remembers why he isn't there. I drove with Stockton this morning to show him the way. After the class we went and found Mr. L to make sure Stockton is doing everything right. We also talked to his counselor for a bit. She told Stockton to apply for regents even though they told him he couldn't get it because of his math. She told him to apply and appeal. I asked if you could apply for both regents and new century. I didn't want to count on the appeal process only to be denied and then miss out on new century. Regents is about $1,000 more because you are able to get two different scholarships. His counselor is supposed to get back to me with the information. I don't think Stockton wants to even try. More hoops to jump through. Plus, he has gone through a lot of trouble to get his associates degree. I think he just wants to stick with new century. After we left the counselors office we went and found Stockton's sterling scholar portrait. Jorja helped hang them up when she was here Saturday. I love it!!! I wonder if I can get a copy for myself. Stockton is wearing a monkey tie. He is the best.
I worked for a bit on Eve's stocking. I finished the first owl completely, outlining and everything. It always amazes me how much the outlining adds to the picture. The first picture is completely finished. The second one is waiting to be outlined.
Bubs reffed the freshman boys basketball game at Alta today. My dad and I came and watched him. I love watching him ref. Too bad he isn't always assigned to Alta home games. Alta crushed Provo. Number 11 on Alta is a kid named Isaac. He was amazing. Bubs had to ref the first part of the game by himself. His partner thought the game started at 7. He did great, but was glad when his partner got there. He said it is no fun at all doing it by yourself. Too much to watch and not enough eyes.

My dad also told me that he FaceTimed Brett on Sunday. Brett was just called as something comparable to being bishop. I think there are only 12 people in the whatever it is called. It is probably too small to be a branch. Still, it is nice that he is able to go to church while he is deployed. He has almost been gone for three months. Three more to go. Halfway there! I bet it seems like it has been much longer for Rachel and her girls.
Bubs talking to Alta coaches before the game. 
 The toss
 Games almost over and Alta is more than double Provo.
 Final score
Jorja spent the day doing stuff for Alta Idol. She was assigned to this committee at the beginning of the year. She had to dress up and she looked fantastic. Too bad I didn't get a picture of her. She said she carried the stool on the stage for Jonas and lots of people in the audience started chanting her name. Haha. She has loved serving in student government. I am so thankful for this opportunity. Stockton and Gavin came straight from diving to Alta Idol. They brought Preston. The basketball game had just finished so Stockton handed Preston off to me. I showed my dad and Bubs Jorja's student government picture and Stockton's sterling scholar picture. Also Mike's pictures that are by the counselors office. Bubs laughed that three of the six people in our family have pictures hanging up in the school, and the one who has the most graduated from there 25 years ago.

I watched the Georgia/Alabama National Championship football game today. I really, really, really, really, really wanted Georgia to win. I thought they would, but Alabama came back at the end. The game went into overtime. Alabama put their true freshman quarterback in at the second half. At this time the score was 21-3. This true freshman that had never started a game, or taken a meaningful snap in college football ever came in and was amazing. All Alabama had to do to win the game was get a field goal. The kicker missed! I felt bad for the kicker, but was so excited. In overtime Georgia went first. They ended up getting sacked on third down. Their kicker came in and nailed a 51 yard field goal. Holy cow! Alabama now had their chance. The quarterback got sacked on first down and was out of field goal range. Now all Georgia has to do is hold them to win the game. The very next play the true freshman quarterback throws a bomb to a true freshman receiver in the end zone to win the game. That was crushing. Tagovailoa was just amazing. He is Alabama's quarterback. The other cool thing was that the quarterback who was replaced, Hurts, supported Tagovailoa the entire second half. He was there encouraging him and didn't seem to have his feelings hurt that he was pulled. That was cool. Still, I wish Georgia had won. I am not an Alabama fan. At all. I always cheer for anyone playing Alabama. My friend posted this funny meme today. Schools were cancelled because of ice. Yet, they still had this major football game. (The game was played in Georgia.)
Stockton and Jorja both got back so late. Jonas Swanson won. Hailey's brother. That is so exciting! Both Stockton and Jorja were thrilled with that. Stockton just missed watching his friend Nate preform. Nate went first. Jorja went to In and Out with the student government after Alta Idol. She has a huge math test tomorrow that will make or break her grade. I hope she is prepared.

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