Tuesday, January 9, 2018


Jorja amazes me every single day. She asked the girl that really hurt her feelings out to breakfast. She had tears in her eyes on the way there, she was so scared. That girl has such a forgiving heart. She is so full of love. I learn so much by watching her every day. Although, on the way home from school we got in an argument. Jorja texted me that Stockton had left her and asked me to pick her up. I was annoyed that Stockton would do that to her. On the way home I asked her how her breakfast was. I picked up her friend and drove them to Jamba Juice. I sat in the car so I wouldn't bother them. It wasn't too bad, I had a book, but it did get cold. When I asked Jorja how it went she would only give me one word answers. For some reason that really bothered me. I was thinking, "I sat in the car this morning for thirty minutes, I came and got you at the drop of a hat, don't you realize how much I do for you? Can't you even communicate a little bit with me about your day?" It didn't get much better when she let me know her biology grade dropped to a B+. The quarter ends next week. What makes me upset is I don't believe Jorja tried her hardest this quarter. She had huge emotional things to deal with, especially at the beginning of the quarter, that she let her grades suffer. Anytime I tried to bring up her grades she would say, "It's fine Mom. I'll get them up." Now she didn't have horrible grades, but I know she wasn't meeting her potential. If she lost her 4.0 after trying her hardest, I wouldn't be upset. I just know she hasn't tried her hardest. I did tell her a few weeks ago that if she doesn't get a 4.0 she will need to take the bus to school. I don't think that's mean, I think that will give her more motivation than anything else. Stockton won't be going to school in the mornings next quarter. If I'm going to drive her, she needs to have earned it. Plus, if she takes the bus she can go to the engagement time everyday. The teachers have thirty minutes before school where kids are allowed to come and ask for help. Jorja has not taken advantage of this system. I think if she has to take the bus she will come to realize how valuable that can be. Anyway, long story short, I was mad at Jorja.

I also was mad at Stockton because he left her. Why would he do that? I came home steaming mad and got after him about why he would leave Jorja. Turns out he was still at school when Jorja texted me that he had left. He had just gone to the bathroom. He said once he got Jorja's text saying that mom was coming to get her he went home. Okay, I get that. It did make me even more frustrated with Jorja though. Hopefully next time she will make sure he is really gone before she asks me to come and get her. 

Mike and I went on splits with the new missionaries today. Sister Turner from Arizona and Sister Girard from Trinidad and Tobago. Sister Girard's name is Stephanie. Nice. I'm not sure if I'm spelling their names right either. Anyways, we went to the Mogensens. It was great. At 8:00 I went outside and got Preston. He was at scouts next door. I told him to come with us until we were finished. He was not thrilled with that idea. He just wanted to walk home. It is really dark and I did not want him to do that. I made him come inside with me. Things got much better once he realized there was a puppy to play with. He was one happy camper.
Maysen's roommate has now moved in! Her name is Deckyi and she is from Tibet, I think. She speaks Tibetan and Mandarin as well as English. She is a finance/business major. I hope Maysen loves having a roommate again!

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