Wednesday, January 10, 2018


I rode with Stockton while he drove to SLCC this morning. I wanted to make sure he knew where he was going and how to get there. He did it perfectly. Once Stockton went inside I took the jeep to fill up with gas. I came straight back. I was gone for five minutes top. There was a giant car crash at the intersection entering SLCC. I am so grateful we missed that!

Stockton stayed after school to work on his robot. I picked up Jorja and Dessa and brought them to our house. I convinced Jorja to play Dessa her You Are My Sunshine song. Jorja was super embarrassed, but Dessa loved it. When Preston came home he opened up 'Jorja Simulator' for Dessa to play. It was funny. Jorja and Dessa then spent a couple of hours working on their PSA for English class. Hopefully it will be good enough to get Jorja's English grade up to an A.

Jorja went to a wrestling match with Kenzie. She is the student body president and is super nice to Jorja. While she was at the match Jorja texted me with a screen shot of her grades. She had gotten her math grade up to an A. That is the grade she was worried about most. They had a final yesterday. Jorja just found out she got 100% on it. Clutch.

Jorja also came home from school super happy because she won first place in the lip sync contest in her theater class. Jorja, Sami and Heather did the first song from the Hercules movie. She's excited because the other theater classes will be shown that lip sync, so Stockton will get to watch her. That's pretty cool.

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