Thursday, January 11, 2018

Diving Pictures

I tried to get some pictures of Stockton and Gavin today for the yearbook. I ended up taking a ton of pictures. I wish I knew how to use my camera better, but oh well. Nate, Gavin's dad, was there. He took some of the pictures because he knows how to do it much better than me. I'm not sure what ones we are going to send in, but here are a lot of pictures.
Horizontal Stockton
 I love this!!!
 Gosh, he's adorable
 Preston's feet! I love them!
 I don't know why I love horizontal pictures of Stockton, but I do.
 Stockton's toes. Love those too!
 I think this picture is funny because Ren is laughing so hard in the background.
 Still laughing. Something to know about Stockton is he is hilarious.
 Stockton & Gavin
 Gavin & Stockton
 Stockton & Gavin
 Stockton & Gavin
 Gavin & Stockton
 Gavin & Stockton
Maysen sent me some funny texts today that made me laugh. I love her! We played Colt Express on the app with her. It took awhile to figure out, but then it was great, except I got mixed up and kept looting the roof. Mike and I were laughing talking about Maysen over in Logan laughing about our idiocy. So fun to be able to play games and interact with Maysen. We have been FaceTiming her during scripture study the last few days. That has been a lot of fun.

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