Friday, January 12, 2018

The Boys are Gone

I got to do book club with Preston today. Our book is Ella Enchanted. I love book club. Preston loves it when I come, so it's a win-win. Stockton didn't come home from school today. He went to Gavin's house. He went to the basketball game with Gavin. Gavin is performing with the ballroom team at halftime. The music stopped at the beginning, so they did their number without any music. It seems that has happened more than once. Gavin came over to our house after the performance. The boys are going to the cabin today. Mike came home early and took a nap so he would be rested for the late night drive. Just in case. They decided to go tonight and made it there safely. It's always nice when I see the text from Mike that he is there.

Jorja stayed after school to do something for Chinese and take a foods test. She missed the foods test when she went to Indian Hills with student government to talk about how fun high school is. She also had play practice until six. I picked her up and was driving when I got a phone call. Right now we are planning on taking the kids on an Alaskan cruise. Hank Smith, who Jorja is obsessed with, will be there doing mini events. Alaska is the only state that Stockton, Jorja and Preston haven't been to. I wish the cruise were a month earlier though. Stockton is trying to decide when to serve a mission right now. I hate to throw this in the mix. We figured we could put a deposit on it and pull out in April if something changes. That is how long we have when we can still get our money back. Anyway, we had talked to the guy in charge and he was finally calling back. We gave him some information and we will see if he can find us a cabin. We want an inside cabin because it is a lot cheaper, and that is what we are going for this time. Jorja was pretty excited. I told the guy that Jorja is Hank Smith's biggest fan. I also mentioned that she wanted to be a public speaker and if they were to have any workshops on the itinerary that would be thumbs up.

Jorja and I then went to grab her a hamburger at Freddy's. She hadn't eaten since breakfast. Kenzie, the student body president, was picking her up to take her to the basketball game. We ordered our food and were waiting when Kenzie said she was on her way. Yikes! We were still in line and it was taking forever. Jorja was stressing. Kenzie got to our house before we did. Jorja left with Kenzie and 1% on her phone battery. That stressed me out a little bit. I got a text later saying she was at Target with Dessa and some other people. I'm not sure who, I just remember Brenton. She then went to Dessa's house to watch a movie. I was sure glad when I got her home.

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