Saturday, January 13, 2018


Today was MORP, which is the reason why we didn't go to the cabin with the boys yesterday. This is the one dance Jorja can go to all year, the only non-date dance. Jorja has been looking forward to this for months. The theme for the dance is camouflage. She had to post something on social media about it, this is what she posted.
Isaac came over around 11:00. He stayed all day. I'm serious. I was getting a little bored because I had to hover all day long. There was no way I was leaving these two alone, even if they aren't together anymore. I did get lots of work done on Eve's stocking though. I guess they ran out of things to do because Jorja convinced him to let her curl his hair. Why? I have no idea. Maybe so Jorja could 'accidentally' burn him? Just kidding! She would never hurt someone on purpose. That was just a happy bonus.
Isaac & Jorja
 Jorja & Isaac with weird kind of curled hair
Jorja and Isaac spent a lot of time at the piano. Isaac wanted Jorja to play the song she wrote for him. (She didn't write the song for him, he just wanted her to play it for him.) He had been begging her to send a video of it to him for a long time. She finally did a few days ago. He wanted her to play it again, which is weird because the song is about him and how much she was hurt. It is really beautiful though. They spent a lot of time playing and singing random songs. Isaac plays the piano quite well. I do love listening to Jorja sing.
Isaac & Jorja
Matt and Anne stopped by for a while. Matt was getting something out from the shed out back. They have some of their stuff stored there. Anne hung out with Jorja while he was doing that.
Jorja & Anne
Isaac had asked Jorja for help putting together his PSA. It took him forever! I was getting anxious because the dance had started over an hour ago and this is why we didn't go to the cabin. In this picture I am telling Isaac to hurry. Maybe I had been doing drumroll on the table telling him time was up. Maybe I was being a bit obnoxious.
I am glad these two are able to be friends again. I kept telling both of them that they can not be anything more than friends. They both know that is true. Jorja is the most forgiving person I know. Anyway, I finally got Jorja and Isaac in the car. The dance was half over, so I took Jorja and Hailey there first. (We stopped and picked up Hailey on the way.) I then took Isaac home. We talked on the way back. We were in the middle of a conversation when I got to his house, so we talked at the side of his house. The conversation ended up lasting a long time. I could see Isaac's dad looking out the window. For the record, I am not mean and I wasn't mean to Isaac. I do talk about things that can be uncomfortable. One time Isaac started sliding down in his seat with his hands over his face saying, "Stop, stop" or something like that. He was laughing though. Before I knew it, Jorja called. Isaac answered so she thought she called the wrong number. We had talked through the entire dance. Isaac wanted to come pick her up so he could scare her. I asked if his parents would be okay with that. He said his curfew was 11:00 so he was fine. I was anxious to get her so I hurried away. We were driving past Hailey's house when his parents called him. He said, "I'm on my way home." I laughed at him. I pointed out that they knew he had been in front of his house for an hour and a half. He then explained that he wanted to scare Jorja. His parents must think I'm really weird. Anyway, Jorja and Hailey came out. Jorja laughed when she opened the door. She wasn't completely scared because she had figured out Isaac was still with me. As Jorja was getting in the car she said, "I apologize for my mother."

Jorja had texted Hailey right before the dance and asked if she wanted to go to Idaho with us. She said yes! Jorja couldn't believe her parents let her. They even let her sleep at our house so we could go early tomorrow. After Jorja spending a week at their house they have just added her to their family. Pretty awesome that they trust us to let Hailey be with us too. I think Hailey has only been allowed to have 'sleepovers' with Jorja. This will be Hailey's third time at the cabin too. Jorja was so happy! We dropped Hailey off at her house to pack and then went and got gas and snacks. Jorja was hyper. Especially hyper after the dance. Apparently Jorja and Hailey had a great time. Also, she is a night person. Her personality changes to crazy at night. We went back and picked up Hailey, dropped Isaac off and made it home. Jorja and Hailey probably spent all night talking. I just went to sleep.

Meanwhile, at Parrydise, this is what was going on. Jumps were being built. Forts were being built.  Bowling alleys were created and movie theaters were made. The snow was wet, so great for building things, not great for going super fast.
Mike hung a projector in the basement, they watched the movie Clue.

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