Sunday, January 14, 2018

Quick Trip to Parrydise

Jorja, Hailey and I left this morning. We drove through Cokeville a few minutes before 11:00. I spotted a church, so we pulled over to attend sacrament meeting. I was in sweats and my snow boots, Jorja and Hailey were in their jammies, which was just leggings and a shirt. Jorja brought her blanket in. We sat in the foyer. A couple of people came and talked to us. They invited us in even though we were so inappropriately dressed. I love church in Wyoming.
Jorja with her boots on the wrong feet.
We just stayed for the sacrament and then left. We listened to Hank Smith on the way up and called it good. Mike and the boys were still at church when we arrived. They came back about fifteen minutes later. We spent the day sledding, zip lining, bowling, watching a movie, talking and laughing. It was a great day. I took the nice camera outside and couldn't figure out why the pictures were so whited out. I realized that Gavin's dad set the camera so it would work for inside diving. Mike helped me later, but the first ones are kind of sad.
 Hailey & Jorja
 Mike setting up the zipline
 Jorja face planted in ice
 Hailey & Jorja
 Jorja is steering. I don't think Hailey is confident in Jorja's abilities.
 Hailey, Stockton, Jorja, Gavin ~ the second person always steers, which is Jorja
 She didn't make it very far.
 Hailey, Gavin, Stockton, Jorja ~ Stockton is now steering, a much better idea.
 Jorja, Stockton and Gavin's feet
 Jorja, Stockton, Gavin
 Stockton, Gavin, Hailey, Jorja
 Gavin just got snow down his coat and snow pants.
 Mike again
 Hailey and Jorja's boots.
 Hailey & Jorja
 Jorja & Hailey
 Jorja is singing
 Hailey is putting up with her.
 The warning label on the sled is hilarious. I guess we use it wrong.
 I never realized Preston's eyes were green. They are usually brown. He said it was just because of the sun.
 Jorja and Gavin at the Springs!
 Hailey, Preston, Jorja, Gavin, Stockton
 I will never get tired of this view.
 Mike, Jorja, Hailey
Yesterday during my long talk with Isaac I mentioned that Mike has never said a mean word to me. Here is a good example. We have a nice camera. Every time I use it Mike always makes sure I know where the lens cap is. He has been super paranoid about losing the lens cap for years. We got this camera when Preston was one. Anyway, I jumped on the 4 wheeler and hurried down the hill. I wanted to be at the bottom to take pictures of the kids. Once I got to the bottom I realized the lens cap had fallen off on the way down. I told Mike that I lost the lens cap. He said, "Well, at least I don't need to worry about losing it anymore." I love him.
Stockton & Mike
 Jorja & Hailey
 Yeah, they ran into the 4-wheeler
 And bounced off into the snowbank
 And back into the other snowbank.
The cabin in the background is my Uncle Steve and Aunt Sharon's cabin.
 Gavin landed the jump perfectly
 Then he crashed five seconds later.
 Jorja, Preston, Stockton
 Jorja walked around with two bandaids on her nose for awhile.
Mike got the zip line working. It looked relatively safe. I even rode it. The swinging motion at the end was fun! Preston LOVED this zipline! Preston is so much like his dad it's crazy. The first time Preston went down it was way too fast! He was almost upside down. He held on and loved it. I guess the rope iced over while we were at the Springs. I about had a heart attack. I didn't get that one on camera.
Preston & Mike
 Preston picked out the glowing seat.
I accidentally stopped the video on the way down so I only got the very end of Preston.
We went inside and watched The Real Life of Dan, I think that is what it's called. Hailey said it was her favorite movie. It was sad. It was a good movie though. We played a game of bowling after the movie. I won and was quite proud of myself. Jorja was on the phone with Isaac for awhile. We finally got her away and decided to go night sledding. We went out after midnight. Stockton went to bed though. He is not a night person.
Jorja convinced Gavin to wear her hat.
Jorja night zip lining
We had so much fun. We were out until 2:00. We decided we were too cold to stay out any longer. The hill was so fast and icy. We only went down the far hill once because it was too dark. It was so fun. We sure made the most of today.

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