Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Eve's Down

This is how Eve looked most of the day. She was hot. She let me take her temperature. 102. She wouldn't let me give her any medicine though. Luckily she didn't start acting sick until after Brett and Rachel FaceTimed us. Grace was better, Eve wasn't sick, I'm glad they didn't have to worry about their girls today.
I picked up Jorja from school at 6:00. We went to the store and bought things for Evan. He is having his wisdom teeth out tomorrow and Jorja wanted to bring him something. We went to his house after, but he wasn't there. Jorja remembered he had a basketball game. I brought Jorja home and she hurried and ate dinner before she was off again. She went to this monologue thing the theater was putting on. Her friend, Jaron the Fruit King, asked her if she would go. Too bad he went first and she arrived right after he finished. Isaac went with Jorja. Jorja drove. Isaac was terrified. It was funny.
Jorja & Isaac
We tried to drop off the package to Evan after the monologue thing. Evan's house was dark. Isaac then remembered that he was at his dad's house tonight. I thought it was too late, but he convinced me to try anyway. We drove to his dad's house, but the house was dark. Oh well, we will try again later. The girls were still up when I got home. Yikes! They were easy to get down though.

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