Wednesday, January 24, 2018


Jorja had a crazy busy day. She didn't get home from school until 10:00. She's loving life though, and that is great! She had play practice after school. She had to leave early from that to go to Freshman orientation. She texted me and asked if I could bring her a dress and shoes. Stockton was at diving, so he couldn't watch the kids. Marie and Mina were playing in the snow outside. They said they would be fine. I put Grace and Eve in the car and hurried down. Eve fell asleep. When Jorja came to the car I pointed to Eve. Jorja owes me, I knew the late nap meant little sleep for me tonight.

Jorja toyed with the idea of going to open gym for softball. She wanted to, but didn't think she could pull it off. She had to clean up after the orientation and then the school officers all went to In-and-Out. It seems like that is there favorite place to go after an event. Jorja came home exhausted and happy.
Herbie & Jorja
Jorja, Sam, Ellie
Caden, Jorja, Finn, Carter, Ellie, Luke, Sam
Caden and Jorja
Jorja and Carter
Mike slept in the guest room tonight. He has to get up early to go to the temple. I slept with Eve in our bed. I put on Zootopia and let her watch it late into the night. She loved it.

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