Sunday, January 21, 2018

Rachel's Off

It is beautiful outside! I love the snow. Especially when the roads aren't horrible. I forgot to write yesterday about how Brother Taylor came over and used his snow plow to shovel our driveway. Mike had already done it, but it was covered again. Kristen was shoveling our sidewalk while he did that. So nice! I went outside and talked to Kristen for a bit, then ran and gave her homemade bread later. You can see our steps in the snow to the Taylor's house.
 The sky was so pretty today!
I taught my gospel essentials lesson. That went well. There are not a lot of people in my class yet. Hopefully that will change. Rachel packed up and then I took her to the airport. Eve was not interested in saying goodbye. She was probably in denial that her mom was leaving.
 Eve & Jorja
 Waffle Train!
Mina, Marie, Eve
 Eve LOVED waffle train. Especially taking the waffles off as the train went around.
Eve fell asleep while Jorja was holding her. She carried her into the guest room to put her in bed, only to find Grace already asleep there! I didn't expect that! Eve slept for a few hours, but she woke up right as I was going to bed. I noticed Grace was pretty hot, so I put Eve into our bed for the night. I went to bed before Mike and kept laughing about the surprise he will have when he finally gets to sleep.

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