Saturday, January 20, 2018

EFY Express

I took Jorja down to Thanksgiving Point to meet with Kelsee this morning. There was a ton of snow. It's like Utah decided to have all of its snow for the year come on one day. Mike cleared off the car for me, which was super nice. I was driving slowly down the big hill by my house. There is a stop sign at the bottom. When I stopped all the snow from the top of the van slid down on my window. There was at least 14 inches of snow. The snow was so heavy the wipers wouldn't knock it away. I couldn't see anything. I hopped out to see if I could knock it off, but a car was coming. I didn't want to be at the bottom, especially if the car slid into me. I jumped back in the car and drove farther. The snow kept coming down. The only way I could see even a little bit was if I kind of stood while pushing the gas. Jorja told me I needed to pull over, but I couldn't. If I did I would get hit. I managed to get to Gavin's old house, which is by the fire station. There is a place I could pull off there. I tried to get all the snow off. It was really cold without gloves. A guy stopped and asked if I was stuck. That was nice. Anyway, we had left an hour early so that was good. The roads were pretty bad until the freeway and then they got better. We were twenty minutes early once we got off. I decided to get gas. That was crazy! The gas pump was all frozen over. I used the car scraper to knock the ice off it. Once that was done, I still couldn't get it to work. I had to hit the attendant button. I guess the snow was so packed down from where I picked up the handle that it didn't register the handle was not in there anymore. After all that we made it to Kelsee's place without a second to spare. At least we weren't late. Kelsee taught Jorja some cute buns. Jorja was happy.
Kelsee & Jorja
 Back of Jorja's hair.
Jorja is taller than me now, so getting the top of her head was difficult.
 Front of Jorja's hair
Isaac called on the way back from Kelsee's. He was going to an EFY Express. Jorja instantly wanted to go. I guess she has always wanted to go to one. I didn't know that. I had been seeing the emails for weeks. Jorja tried to get several people to go with her, but because it was so last minute, none of them could make it. She still really wanted to go. When I realized it was at the Jordan Institute, which is right by the Jordan campus of SLCC I decided to let her go. I knew right where that was. I didn't want to find a random place with the crazy snowy roads. We picked up Isaac. The roads by his house were awful. I'm glad we got out of there! Jorja was anxious for me to see Isaac because I have a contract he needed to sign before she could have her phone at home. I talked to Isaac about everything on the list and he signed it. I'm not saying that Isaac has done all these things, they were just all things that I wanted to make sure Jorja and Isaac would never do.
Once the doors opened I got Jorja registered and they were off. I might get this next story wrong because I wasn't there, but at the beginning everyone was doing a welcoming activity. Answering questions and such. When they were back together the speaker called Jorja to come up and tell everyone what she wrote. I think. He then called another girl up. Jorja said it was really funny because they were dressed the same. Same height, brown hair, same color of dress, same color of shoes, etc. Jorja became friends with this girl and her two friends. She talked Isaac up to them, so Isaac had a great time. Jorja did say later that it wasn't fair that Isaac got to meet girls and she wasn't able to meet any boys. Ha! Maybe next time the tables will be turned.
 Mckinley & Jorja
 Jorja, Mckinley's friend, Isaac, Mckinley, Mckinley's friend
 Isaac & Jorja
Jorja asked if Isaac could come over after the express. I reminded her they can not get back together, that would be a very bad idea. They both said that wasn't going to happen. I hope so. I'm glad they are able to be friends again. I just want it to stop there. At least at FIFTEEN! On the way back home the plan was to pick up Stockton from Gavin's house. Stockton wasn't ready to come home. He had made brownies with Gavin and they were going to drop them off. Gavin's dad was going to bring him home, so that worked out well for me. Stockton and Gavin dropped brownies off at Gage's house. Stockton hasn't seen him for two years. Gage is their old diving buddy. Well, he's Gavin's age, so he's not old. Stockton couldn't believe how much he had changed.

Jorja and Isaac spent the time here playing the piano. Isaac plays really well. Jorja would sing as she played. She asked me if she could take voice lessons. We'll have to see. My favorite was when she would sing the Hallelujah song. I thought she sounded great. Rachel and her girls got here while they were playing the piano. Yay! It was so great to see them! I was getting Marie and Mina tucked into bed when Stockton came downstairs. He was laughing. He said he realized Isaac was still here when he heard the piano playing low notes. Instead of coming in the front door like a normal person, he went around back. With knee deep snow. He got in through the sliding door. Then he hopped the banister to go downstairs. He was proud that they didn't know he was home. He makes me laugh!

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