Friday, January 19, 2018

Busy Day Off

Stockton was not looking forward to today. At all. The kids didn't have school today, but Stockton was still super busy. First, he had his English class down at Salt Lake Community College. It starts at 7:00, so he had to get up early on his 'day off'. He wasn't thrilled. I remember when he used to hate to sleep. Ha! Anyway, he came home and said English was great! Stockton also had an Academic Decathlon competition. Today they were doing speech, essay and interview. Stockton did a cold read of his speech to Jorja and me. I was laughing so hard. He was so good! Stockton got home pretty late tonight. He said the speech competition wasn't what he was expecting. He thought he would be giving his speech to a crowd. Instead it was two judges. Both girls. Stockton's speech was about the speedo. They didn't react at all, although I think they aren't allowed to, so he has no idea how that went. Stockton said he nailed his interview. That's good. Ochoa sent them home before they announced awards because it was snowing pretty hard. He has no idea how he did. I think he is so glad today is over.

Jorja was busy today as well. She had play practice this morning. She was disappointed a bit. She isn't able to be in the scene they blocked yesterday because she was at therapy. If she had been able to go she would have had a chance of being picked as the person that got stabbed. Ha! This next picture is random, but Jorja takes pictures like this all the time. She then texts them as an answer to a question she thinks is weird. Or something like that. She wants an emoji like this. She took this picture at therapy yesterday. I tried to photobomb it, but she didn't like that at all.
Jorja went to the girls basketball game at Alta, then the boys basketball game at Corner Canyon. Alta lost both. The boys got creamed. By more than 20 points I think. There was a disco night at the roller skating rink Jorja was planning on going to. We stopped and bought glow bracelets. Jorja ended up not going to the disco night. She went to the twins house. Claire and Sydney. Mackie and Finn were there. That is all I can remember. I sent Mike to get her around 11:00. It was snowing a lot and I did not want to go out in it, or have a teenager bring her home. It scared me at first when she texted that Finn would give her a ride home. What? I didn't know he was old enough to drive. He's not. Mike brought Finn home instead. A much better plan. Jorja was pretty happy when she got home. She had a great time today.
Carter, person I don't know, Jorja
 Kenzie, Mackie, Jorja
 Jorja & Mackie

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