Thursday, January 18, 2018

Jorja's Therapy

I took Jorja and Hailey to the temple this morning. President Back asks where Stockton is every time we come. I tell him that he still isn't ready to come back. President Back said they watched a temple video this morning of how they should treat the people that are coming so they don't have a bad experience. I don't know if Stockton is still upset about what happened, but it is the last day of the quarter and he has been pretty stressed. (Stockton was doing baptisms and was waiting for us in the lobby. We wanted him to come back into the temple. The guy at the desk wouldn't let him come back in because he didn't have a bar code on his recommend. His recommend expired in December and they didn't start issuing the bar codes until January. Stockton did nothing wrong, but the guy at the desk made him feel horrible and embarrassed. President Back was there when it happened.) Stockton took Jorja and Hailey to school. I found these pictures on Jorja's phone. She was proving it was really her and that she had her phone back.
Hailey and Jorja
 I finished Eve's stocking today. Luckily Rachel is going to put it together.
Yikes! I just noticed I didn't outline one leaf! I'll have to fix that.
Jorja had therapy today. She loves it. I love that she is not embarrassed about it. She will tell anyone where she is going and why she is going there ~ to get help with her anxiety and panic attacks. I saw a message from one of her friends tonight saying something like she didn't know why she was in therapy, but she was here for her if she ever needed her. Jorja told me that when she told this friend where she was going this friend had mentioned she was in therapy too. I love that Jorja is not letting there be anything negative attached to her therapy. This girl is quite amazing.

I hurried Jorja back to school as soon as she was finished. She wanted to go to the wrestling match. She stayed after to watch The Battle of the Bands. Hailey's brother, Jonas, won last year. He didn't win this year though. I was hoping to see him. I stopped by Javita's house to give Whitley a get well soon bag. She had surgery on her foot today. I got to the performance as soon as I could. Jonas had gone first, so I missed him. I did see a group playing the Wii channel theme. That was funny.
Isaac, Jorja, Carter
Dessa's mom dropped Jorja off after Battle of the Bands. Dessa stayed over until about 11:00. I'm not sure what they did, but Jorja was happy.

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