Wednesday, January 17, 2018


Jorja went to school without her phone today. I picked her up from play practice around 6:00. As we were driving home she asked when she could have her phone back. I told her that I didn't know, that I was still super mad. I told her I didn't trust her anymore, because right now I don't. Jorja was not happy. At all. Let's back up. I have written about how Jorja suffers from panic attacks. They usually are caused by two things. One, she worries that her friends will stop talking to her. I hate this one. I want to tell her that that is crazy, that it would never happen. Except it has happened. Three times. With three of her best friends. In less than a year. The second thing that causes her panic attacks is when she feels that she has disappointed anyone, usually me. Well, she has been struggling these last few days. I punished her anyway. Actions bring consequences. Mike and I talked to her tonight. She was crying in the piano room. We talked to her about things that needed to change. We wrote a contract of what needed to happen and what she needed to agree to in order to get her phone back. She signed it while laying on her back with her head under the piano bench. That was actually funny. She is allowed to have her phone at school, but before she gets it back at home I told her that Isaac needed to sign a contract too. She is annoyed at me. I don't really care.
Note: Jorja is a great daughter.
I added things that we have never had a problem with because I was super mad. 

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