Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Sweeter than Sweet

Jorja went to school without her phone today. I just couldn't bring myself to give it back to her. She survived. She stayed after for a LONG time. They were doing costumes for Macbeth as well as their regular practice. I picked her up around 6:40 and we went straight to New Beginnings. Becky Bingham is the Young Womens president and she is awesome. She had a great program. Everything was decorated with candy. She and her counselors made a quilted bag for every girl. It holds their personal progress books, a pencil, The Living Christ on a ring, and a Did I Tell You slot. Becky encouraged the girls to memorize The Living Christ. We have started doing that as a family. They are going to be focusing on one paragraph a month. We will be a bit slower than them. Becky has The Living Christ broken up into paragraphs for them. She also made different cards titled Did I Tell You. She has three cards in there so far and plans to add more throughout the year. It was really cool.

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