Monday, January 29, 2018

The Girls are Gone

Rachel and her girls left this afternoon. Marie wanted to play more games of Werewolf and Disney Code Names. Too bad my kids were at school. Rachel left them with a chocolate bar. Nice call. I also found a few random pictures that I didn't post throughout the week.
 Eve & Jorja
 Jorja & Eve
 Jorja, Eve, Ella
 Eve, Grace, Mina, Marie
 Jorja had digital photography today. Here is her beautiful work. So talented.
Jorja texted me during her photography class asking if I could sign her up for an online class of Geography for Life. She transferred out of that class so she could take ballroom. Too bad there are only two boys in that class! Poor Porge! Anyway, I got her signed up for this one. Hopefully it won't be too much for her. That will be nice if she can get this class done.

Preston came home sick today. Boo! I sent Stockton and Gavin off to diving without him. Not a chance I wanted Preston in water getting everyone else sick! Hopefully this ends with him!

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