Tuesday, January 30, 2018


Mike has this week off, which is awesome! I talked him into going to a $5 Tuesday movie with me. I sent this picture to make Jorja jealous. She has tried several times to see this movie with different friends. It has never worked out. We went to lunch at Mimi's Cafe afterwords.
Preston went to Ben's house after school. No one signed up to feed the missionaries so we made waffles for them. All of a sudden I realized that I should get Preston before the missionaries came. What if Ben had to go somewhere and I needed to pick him up? I wouldn't be able to leave for about an hour. Right as I was about to leave Jorja texted me to pick her up. She was able to leave her Macbeth rehearsal a couple of hours early. Yay! I picked Jorja up and rushed Preston out of Ben's house. We got home a few minutes before the missionaries showed up. Whew!

The missionaries talked about the talk given in conference a few years ago called What Lack I Yet? They asked us if we would be willing to pray and ask Heavenly Father what we lacked. I laughed and said I already know many things I lack! Sister Turner then read Ether 12:27, which is one of my favorite scriptures. "And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble;..." Sister Turner pointed out that the Lord is saying 'weakness' which is singular. She said that Heavenly Father doesn't expect us to work on every challenge we have at the same time, but if we go to Him and ask what He would have us work on He will say, "Here, this is what I need you to focus on now." I don't know if I'm explaining it as simply as Sister Turner, but I loved it.

I dropped Jorja off for young womens. They were making pizzas. She texted me after awhile and asked if I could pick her up. She was not feeling well. Boo! Hopefully she'll feel better in the morning.

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