Sunday, February 25, 2018

Backs are Back

Well, they have been back for about eight months now. President Back was the mission president in Sydney Australia. They came back in June. The boys in our ward have a great relationship with him. Especially the priests. He was their scout master and he was amazing. Every single one of these boys loves him. I hope Stockton gets a mission president just like him. Anyway, Becky Johnson asked the Backs if they could talk about mission life and preparing for a mission. I came too because I love listening to them speak. Stockton and I left about ten minutes before the bread came out of the oven. We got this text from the understanding souls at home.
Mike, Jorja, Preston
I'm going to jot down some random notes I took when the Backs were talking.... Not easy. Hardest thing you will have done. You need to get up at 6:30 every morning. You will have personal study for one hour, companion study for 30 minutes, language study if that applies. You will be with your companion 24/7. Only away from each other when you go to the bathroom.If you can get along with every companion in the mission field you can get along with anyone in the world. Figure it out. Love your companion. Three things to prepare: LOVE the Book of Mormon, gain a testimony. It's all about love. As soon as you start serving, you will start loving. #1 most important thing is to be obedient. Decide to be 100% obedient before you go. White handbook with lots of rules. Love casteth out fear. Read the Book of Mormon everyday. No less than a chapter a day for the rest of your life. If you don't have a relationship with your Savior you are in trouble on your mission. Matt 11 last two verses. Come unto me... Couldn't do it without the help of Heavenly Father. The Savior serves with his missionaries. D&C 84:88. Worthy, prayerful, he is working with you and it's a delight. Repent. Purpose of missionary, bring people to the atonement of Christ.... Pray and pray and pray and pray. Prayers work. Weekly planning sometimes up to 4 hours a week. Lots of rejection. Heavenly Father is using you young ones because it works the best. OYM - Open Your Mouth. Missionaries love meetings. Zone conferences 6-7 hours. Spirit builds you up. You need that. When your faith is high you can do it.

Questions: What do you do when you have a companion that doesn't want to follow the white handbook? ------- Pray. There is free agency. End of the day love them. You get up and do your stuff anyway. You can slip into disobedience so easily!!!

How do you decide when you should go? --------You are called for specific certain people. You prepare yourself every way. Come to know the Savior. Do your duties diligently and you will know when to go. You stay worthy. Repent all the time. You'll know. It's important to go. It's incredible.

It will be the hardest most wonderful thing you will ever do in your life. Be happy. Be positive. Two great qualities.
President and Sister Back, Stockton, Hannah, Ian, Isaac, Logan, Zoe, Darby
Ashley, Jordan, Johnny, Kelsee
 President and Sister Back, Stockton, Hannah, Ian, Isaac, Logan, Finn, Luke, Zoe, Darby
Ashley, Jordan, Johnny, Kelsee

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