Saturday, February 24, 2018

Macbeth's Last Day

There were a ton of deer running across our front lawn today. I think Dash on his skateboard coming down the street freaked them out. I wasn't fast enough to get really cool pictures.
We got to Macbeth early. I wanted to get great seats. Turns out that for some reason the entire front row was reserved. Our seats were not great at all, despite arriving an hour early. Oh well. I called Ange and asked if she wanted my dad's ticket. She wanted to go with Bubs. We were able to get them a standby ticket. That was so nice of them to come! I was glad I told the boys what the story was. It is pretty hard to follow along without knowing. I think Preston would have had a really hard time sitting through it if we didn't have that conversation. He was great today. Stockton hung out with Gavin and some other diving friends for most of the day. They went hiking and then played games at Gavin's house. I told him to meet us at the school at 6:45. He did. I was waiting for him with his ticket. He barely looked at me as he grabbed the ticket because he saw Acea waiting for a standby ticket. Acea is his good friend from last year. He was the math sterling scholar last year. He is up at Utah State right now. Stockton loved seeing him!
Acea, Stockton, Nate (Macduff)
 And Mike trying to photobomb
 Mike, Jorja, Stephanie

 Jorja & Drew ~ Jorja was SO EXCITED Drew came!
 Ange, Jorja, Bubs
Mike, Preston and I headed home. Stockton stayed to talk with his friends and wait for Jorja. Jorja convinced them to go get ice-cream. Stockton, Acea, Nate and Jorja went to McDonalds. They had an ice-cream cone that lasted two minutes, then sat and talked for an hour. I asked Jorja if she felt like a third wheel. She said, "Only when they talked nerd." Hahaha! Stockton, Acea and Nate are the biggest nerds in the best way. Both Stockton and Jorja had a fantastic day.

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