Wednesday, February 14, 2018


Happy Valentine's Day!!! Preston was so excited to go to school with his piranha plant. What a great box to have for a last Valentine's box. I am excited this is our last Valentine's box ever! There are some things I miss about my babies. Potty training and crafts will never be one of them.
Mike came home for lunch today and we cooked pineapple chicken kabobs that were so good! It is always great to see him during the day! He gave me a Valentine's card. It was actually my birthday card that he forgot to bring up to the cabin. He crossed off 'Happy birthday' and wrote 'Happy Valentine's Day!' That made me laugh. He did that with the kids card too. Jorja signed her name as 'Daughter #2'

Sister Hutchinson was released as a missionary today. She came over to visit after Jorja's play practice. Jorja doesn't get home until 9:00, so it was getting late. I'm glad she made time to stop and see us! It was fun meeting her parents too! Jorja had so much fun with her. Mike asked Hutch what she thought of Jorja's Christmas present. Hutch started laughing. Jorja made her a book of different text conversations she has had. It was so funny when it was put together. Hutch always gives her a hard time about boys. She was teasing Jorja right when Isaac called. Of course Hutch had to answer and give him a bit of a hard time. She also got these weird snap messages while Hutch was here. Oh man! Perfect timing.
Jorja and Hutch
 Jorja showing Hutch her scrapbook page.
 Hutch a.k.a McKaila and Jorja
I'm pretty sure Jorja could hang out with her forever. What a blessing Hutch is in her life. Hutch grew up in Georgia but her family moved to California while she was on her mission. She is going to school at BYU-Idaho in April, I think. Maybe we'll get to see her again?

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