Thursday, February 15, 2018

Second Interview

I took Stockton to the temple early this morning. We had family names, so I was able to be baptized too. We finished without incident. Yay! I got back just in time to take Jorja and Olivia to school. Stockton took a quick nap while I did that. He was up late working on things for his interview today. I woke him up and we drove down to the SLCC bookstore in Taylorsville. We were looking for an Engineering notebook. Stockton lost his and he was having notebook checks today. We looked everywhere for that thing. He thinks he might have left it on the computer when he was in class. Stockton thanked me for driving him everywhere. I told him that his is the reason I love not working. I love being for them when they need me. We are all so lucky Mike has been successful in his career. I got Stockton back a few minutes late to advisory again. It turned out not to matter because the 4.0 banquet was happening. Stockton sat with a bunch of the other sterling scholar candidates. Stockton and Nate were wearing suits, the girls were in dresses. The spent time bonding over their nerves. Jorja didn't go to the 4.0 breakfast. She didn't have a great experience at the last one, so she had no desire to do that again. Jorja looked so pretty today. She curled her hair and it looked great. She had her ballroom Foxtrot test today. One of her friends must have snapped pictures because I found this on her phone.
Jorja and her partner
Stockton came home and worked until it was time to leave for his interview. He has been making an app to study his academic decathlon stuff. He wanted to show it at the interview. When he moved it to the laptop he was planning on bringing all of the font disappeared. AHHHH! Finally he just took a video of him playing it on his computer and called it good. He was also brushing his teeth why he was doing this. Somehow he got toothpaste all over his suit! AHHHHH again! I tried to get it off. It disappeared, but I told Stockton I wasn't convinced it worked. I asked him to check once he got there to make sure it was gone for good. When Stockton walked in Heffner, his sterling scholar advisor, stared at him and said, "What happened!" Well, turns out Heffner was prepared for anything. She had these eye glass rags, or something like that, and was able to get the toothpaste off. She also didn't like this tag he had on his suit coat. Not a price tag, just a normal tag of the designer. Heffner was getting the toothpaste off of him while someone else was using a sewing kit to get the tag off. Stockton thought that was pretty funny and it put him at ease. Stockton was a bit nervous, because he had no idea what math question would be asked and he hasn't had calculus for a few years. Mrs. Waters talked to him for awhile yesterday. She told him that at this point the judges don't expect you to get the answer right, they are more interested in your thought process. Anyway, Stockton did great on the interview. They only asked him one question and he got it right. Everything went much better than expected. Yay! Yay! Yay! No matter what happens at least he will be able to look back on this experience with no regrets.

I took Preston to diving today. Stockton had his interview while we were at the pool. I was so nervous for him! Once we got home we decided to try and get the organ. I called Matt and he agreed to help. Thank goodness! Hopefully we can fix it. It sure does bring back a lot of memories. Stockton then stayed up until midnight tonight working on the Utah State honors application. He got that turned in a few minutes before it was due. Oh man! That kid sure works hard!

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