Friday, February 16, 2018

Macbeth and Parrydise

Mike took the boys up to the cabin after Stockton's English class. Mike's family is coming up this weekend too. Mike's so excited. I stayed behind with Jorja. She has play practice this weekend. Boo! The kids didn't have school today, except Jorja who had to be there for Macbeth. When she was finished we went shopping. I got her some new jeans. The ones I got her at the beginning of the year have holes in the pockets. At least she used them! We stopped by Barnes and Noble to look for a book. We couldn't find it, but Jorja had me take a picture with Macbeth. She also got her cast shirt today. She does look adorable in it. I'm glad she has loved this experience. Macbeth doesn't sound like the funnest play to be in, but she has loved it! Although it has taken up most of her free time for two months! They perform next week. I got a ticket for my dad, but he can't make it. He comes back from Israel Friday, so I got Saturday tickets. Too bad it's Max's last soccer game at the same time. I bet John would have loved to go. Too bad he lives in Virginia.
I got in an argument with Jorja today. It was the last open gym for softball that she could go to. She wouldn't go. She promised me when I let her skip the open gym so she could go to a movie with Stockton and Gavin that she would go to all the other open gyms. She hasn't been to one. Play practice has been in the way, and then she was sick. I was furious. I think she is going to look back at this with regret. I went to bed early and Jorja came in and apologized. Well, she said, "I'm sorry I'm such an awful daughter." Not what I was going for there. I just want to be able to know she is going to do what she says she is going to do. We talked for awhile and Jorja came in and slept with me. I hope she knows how amazing she is. Jorja had a Hank Smith CD playing while we fell asleep.

Meanwhile, up in Parrydise. There was snow! Yay! Not as much snow as usual, but sometimes you have to take what you can get. Mike sent me these pictures from the cabin. He said the roads were great for him.
Derek and Melissa were the first to make it there. Steve and Shannon got up there late. Sherry was the last I think. The roads were horrible for Sherry. Very foggy. I'm glad she was safe! Steve came with his three youngest boys and Sherry had Connor and Miah. Xander was sick and stayed home with Matt.
Leo and Nova
Mike was able to get the scary fuse box replaced. It will be nice not to worry about the water heater going out at random times.

1 comment:

  1. It's true, I would love to go to the play. Macbeth is my 9th favorite Shakespeare play after all. But that's my ranking for reading the plays, not watching the plays performed.
