Saturday, February 17, 2018


Today was a LONG day, and I only have one picture. Jorja had Macbeth practice until 2:30. I picked her up and we hurried up to the cabin. Lisa and Nathan got there today too. They brought Taylor and Michael. It is Michael's first time here. The roads were great for us. We arrived just after sundown, I'm guessing 7:00. I can't remember. We stopped at Alpine Market, filled up with gas and picked up Mike. He was there with Steve and Shannon. Lisa had dinner waiting for us. Once dinner was finished we had a giant super competitive game of Spoons. Some blood was shed, but it was fun. I went out night skiing with the brave ones. Jorja couldn't go because she had a Chinese essay that was due at midnight. This is the only picture I have of today and I have no idea if it is even right side up.
Mike and I shared the lava room with Sherry. Jorja, Connor and Miah also slept in there. It was fun talking to them while we were falling asleep. Connor was telling me about a major Stockton is interested in. I wish Stockton had been there!

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