Monday, February 12, 2018

Moving On

Stockton has been working hard for his application for the Eccles Scholarship. Only 30 people receive this scholarship so his chances aren't high. The application was due at 3:00 today. I drove Stockton to his class at SLCC. He worked on his math while I drove. He spent all his time on his scholarship application that he wasn't able to get his math finished, and he had a lot of math. I dropped Stockton off and went to the store to get an envelope for his application. I read in the car while I waited for him to finish. We then drove to the University of Utah. We parked right outside the place where the application was due while Stockton finished up some things. We were there for about fifteen minutes. So many people went into that building with scholarship looking envelopes! Yikes! At least he got it done. I drove him straight to Alta. He was a little late to advisory, but oh well.

Stockton stayed after school with the other sterling scholars. He found out that he moved on to the next level! He was pretty excited. He has his next interview on Thursday. I also informed him that he should apply to the honors program at Utah State. That application is also due Thursday. Man, I'm so glad he doesn't have any AP classes this year. College applications, sterling scholar, and academic decathlon have kept him super busy!

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