Sunday, February 11, 2018

Sacrament Tray

Today my family was in church, just like we have been for a million Sundays. We were sitting behind the Valentines and in front of the Spencers. Stockton was by the wall, then Preston, Mike, me and then Jorja. We always sit in the front left side of the chapel if you were looking at the podium. Just like where we always sat in Georgia. Anyway, Ben Johnson gave us the sacrament bread. I tried to barely touch anything. I have had a nasty cold and still have a horrible cough. My cow cough that my brothers always teased me about is back and I hate it. The water tray was then passed down the isle. The problem came on the way back. Mike was holding the tray. I was waiting for Jorja to take it, like she did the bread. I didn't want to touch the handle because I was paranoid about leaving germs. Jorja didn't notice the tray, I guess. I started to put my hand under the tray and pass it that way, but I wasn't able to get it stable enough. I decided I would have to grab it by the handle anyway. This all happened in seconds. I went to grab the handle right as Mike LET GO of the tray! He thought I was holding the bottom! The entire water tray dumped ALL OVER JORJA! Oh my gosh! It was so funny! I could not stop laughing. Jorja was so wet. I was trying to be quiet, but I was crying from trying not to laugh. I was not reverent. I tried so hard though! It was the funniest thing I have seen in a long time! I thought it was infinitely more funny than Jorja. I'm laughing as I type this. Jorja kept saying, "Mom! It's not funny! It looks like I dropped the tray!" That would only make me laugh harder and I choked out, "I know!"

Mike, Preston and I played another game of Pandemic and lost. AHHHHH! Our one goal was to not lose three games in a row, and we did! Boo! Mike and I went to my Grandma's old house to look at the organ. It definitely has seen better days. I wonder if we will be able to fix it? We measured the organ and took the bench home with us. It looks like we will be able to fit it in the van, so that is great. 

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