Saturday, March 3, 2018

Beautiful Parrydise

These are the pictures Mike sent me today. I can't get over how beautiful it us up there and how lucky we are to be able to visit. It snowed a lot. Mike, Maysen and Preston played a lot of games. Maysen had a video interview for an EFY counselor position. She worked really hard on that. I hope she gets it! Maysen and Preston went night sledding. It sounded like they had a great time at the cabin.
 Maysen and Preston
The missionaries contacted me today. Their dinner appointment fell through and they were wondering if I knew of anyone who would be willing to feed them. I told them to plan on me. They also stopped by yesterday and gave us cake! Stockton spent the day with Gavin. They went sledding, took TRAX to Salt Lake for some reason, then went night sledding. I'm not sure what else. They had some other diving buddies with them. Noelle, Danielle and even Gage. Stockton hasn't seen Gage in years!

Jorja's softball buddies Paige came and hung out with Jorja. She hasn't seen her since her birthday dinner in October. They seemed to have a great time. Isaac's dad picked them up and took them to a movie. They saw Black Panther. They went to the mall and came over here afterwords. I took them home just before 11:00. A huge snowstorm had come in. We got Isaac back just fine, but Paige lives a long ways away. Probably 45 minutes I'm guessing. The roads were horrible, especially on the way back. I was sure glad to see my bed!
Jorja and Paige
 Paige and Jorja
 Jorja and Paige
While the kids were out with their friends, I was busy with the missionaries. Sister Kalliainen and Sister Gregerson. I decided to pick up Cafe Rio salads. Too bad the line was so long and they were slow. I texted the missionaries and they were waiting on my front porch when I got home. We had a great time. Stockton and Jorja had cleaned the kitchen and it looked so great! The missionaries and I talked and talked. They were so fun!

Also, Stockton was accepted to BYU. Shannon texted me last night and said they would find out after 5:00. They never did. I would ask Stockton to check and see every once in awhile. This afternoon Shannon asked me if Stockton had heard. Brandon got in. I went down to ask him. He S-L-O-W-L-Y looked it up. He's in! I told Jorja when she came in the room. She looked at Stockton weird. Come to find out, Stockton checked this morning and new he was in. He told Jorja. He even told Maysen, so everyone at the cabin knew. He just didn't tell me because he thought it was funny! Grrrrrr.

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