Friday, March 2, 2018


Maysen sent us a message this morning saying Dickyi changed her mind and is going to stay at their apartment for spring break. She asked if it was too late to go to the cabin. Mike told her he would pick her up on his way. I feel bad for Maysen. It is never fun to be cancelled on, especially at the last minute. Mike, Maysen and Preston all went up to the cabin today. Mike ordered a mattress thing for the taco bed. Hopefully this will help. These are the pictures he sent me.
The kids didn't have school today. Stockton studied for his Academic Decathlon competition next week. Jorja did homework most of the day. Especially geography. I talked them into going to pick up Arby's with me. Exciting. On the way out I had Stockton check the mailbox in case there was something exciting. Turns out there was. Jorja's friend Luke sent her a letter. Jorja was absolutely beaming. I wish I had my phone with me to take a picture. She said, "Did you know the letter was there?" Nope. I was hoping he would write her though. I had been checking the mailbox for awhile. Luke lives in California. Jorja sent him a letter before Christmas. She was really excited because now he has a phone and they can keep in contact easier. During EFY, Jorja and Luke were each others COW. (Crush of the week) I like the fact that he lives in California. I would much rather Jorja have a crush on someone who lives in a different state!

Mike sent me a voicemail he received in a text message. I didn't realize what it was for awhile. When I finally listened to it it was too late to do anything. A neurology office called to schedule an appointment to see Jorja. What? I guess the doctor does want her to see a neurologist. I was hoping she would say there is nothing to worry about. Hopefully that is what the neurologist will say.

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