Friday, March 23, 2018

End of the Quarter

The 3rd quarter ended today and Jorja pulled another 4.0!!! Stockton did too, but we expected him to. Jorja had to get her grades up in three different classes. We didn't think she would pull it off in Chinese. The thing that was frustrating with Chinese was that Jorja had SIX missing assignments. Except that she had turned them in. She had turned in each assignment four times. Twice online and twice she turned in hard copies in case her online assignments weren't getting in. We had no idea if her teacher would put those assignments in, or what grade Jorja would get on them. Luckily when her teacher added them her grade went up to an A! Yay!

Jorja spent the evening with Madison. It is her 16th birthday tomorrow. She had Jorja and a few other friends over tonight. Jorja was there for a long time. She came back really happy.
Jorja and Madison

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