Thursday, March 22, 2018

War Chapters

I spent most of the day today working on a project for Maysen. I hope she likes it. While I have been working on it, I have been listening to Podcasts. I listened to some talks from John Bytheway from education week. He did a talk on the war chapters in the Book of Mormon. I LOVED it. I'm going to have the kids listen to it for Family Home Evening. One of my favorite parts was when he was telling the story of Lehonti. Amalickiah has control of the lesser half of the Lamanite army. He wants to talk to Lehonti. Lehonti has run away with the larger part of the army, those that do not want to go to battle against the Nephites. Amalickiah sends messages to Lehonti to come down from Mount Antipas and talk to him. Lehonti was 'fixed and determined' not to come down. They send another message. Nope, he's not coming. Three times Amalickiah tried to get Lehonti to come down, but he was 'fixed and determined' not to come. Finally Amalickiah comes up Mount Antipas and sends another message. Come down 'just a little bit'. Lehonti does and is eventually killed by Amalickiah's deceit. John Bytheway compared this to Satan. There are so many things that we are 'fixed and determined' not to do. Satan then gets us to 'come down just a little bit' and is able to gain control over us. Bytheway also likened Amalickiah to Satan. Both were cast out. Both wanted to be king. Both only cared about themselves. Both used deceit to get what they wanted. I can't remember the others. The entire talk was filled with so many great analogies. When Helaman leads his small army past Antiparah. The Lamanites didn't want to come out of their stronghold, but when they saw this small army they thought they could come out for just a little while and then go right back. Helaman's army led them farther and farther away until they were surrounded. If we choose to come out of our strongholds it is easy for us to be lead farther and farther away from our principles. Anyway, if you have a chance to listen to this talk you won't regret it. Search John Bytheway on the podcast app on your phone. Listen to the War Chapters. The Three Best Hours of the Week talk is also really good. I'm saving that for another family home evening.

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