Saturday, March 31, 2018

Goodbye High Priests

General Conference weekends are my favorite weekends of the year. I love sitting and listening to the leadership of the church giving us guidance while I sew in my pajamas. The first session was the Solemn Assembly. It was really cool to sustain President Russell M. Nelson as our new prophet. Rachel and her girls were here for the first session. We had a lot of candy for them to enjoy. I think Grace loved the candy the most. Rachel left after the first session. They were spending the day with her brother and celebrating her niece's birthday. The next time we see Rachel she will have Brett with her! Yay!

Jorja and I made a quick shopping trip after the second session. I got her a shirt and then we went to Michael's to pick up a few things for her campaign. I dropped her off at Madison's house after. When I walked in the door Mike and Stockton were laughing and saying how President Nelson got up to say a few remarks. He then merged the High Priests with the Elders Quorum. Boom! Right off the bat. It was pretty awesome. I think we are going to enjoy the ride of President Nelson as our prophet!

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