Friday, March 30, 2018


Mike got a crown fixed at the dentist this morning. Now his ear is hurting him again. When I say hurting, I mean stop you in your tracks can't move and have to scream kind of pain. I sure hope it goes away. Not fun for him at all.

Preston and I had book club today. I love Inkheart and I am so glad to be able to read it with Preston. I hurried home from book club to say goodbye to Rachel. She is taking her kids to Bountiful for a family reunion. Meatfest. Sounds delicious.

Jorja stayed after school to retake her English test. Jaren's mom brought her back home. Jaren is her friend that just moved here from California. I got to talk to her mom for awhile. That was nice. I can't remember her name though. I know Jaren's older sister's name is Breezy. We went to school with Jaren's mom's brother. Shandon Cole. He was a student body officer with Mike. Fun family.
Jorja and Jaren
Rachel came back from Meatfest and brought us some meat! Yay! Mike, Preston and I have been playing a lot of Pandemic Legacy Season 2 lately. We have been loving it!

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