Sunday, May 20, 2018

22 Years

That's how long ago my mom died. Twenty-Two years today. Boo. We hurried this morning to make it to the 9:00 session of the Jordan River Temple dedication. When we came home there was a plate of cinnamon rolls on our doorstep with flowers. Becky Johnson had left them there with the nicest card hoping my day was going okay. I love her! She is so kind.

Steve & Shannon and their boys came over for lunch. We had hamburgers. For some reason the pilot light went out on our indoor grill. Mike didn't want to take the time to fix it, so he grilled outside. Just as a giant windstorm came. And rain. It didn't rain for long though. The kids were able to play with their laser tag guns. Recoil, I think? Steve has the same guns that Mike got for his birthday. They played outside with those for awhile.

They also played some weird jeep shooting game on their phones. I'm not sure what the game is, but I know Mike kept running over his own teammates. I know he wasn't supposed to do that. It was nice that they could all play at the same time. Mike had it on the tv screen as well.
Stockton, Steve, Jorja, Weston, Mike, Brandon
 Jacob, Steve, Jorja, Weston
 Weird game they were playing.
Jorja likes to play this even weirder game. The Grandma is the bad guy. You have to hide from her, collect things and try to get out of the house before she kills you. It is freaky when she gets you. Jorja has never made it out of the house alive. These next two pictures are of Jorja showing them the grandma game. Her phone is also hooked to the tv.
Brandon, Weston, Jorja, Stockton
 Jorja was not successful.
Today was really fun hanging out with the Smiths. Brandon graduates from high school a week earlier than Stockton. Lucky! The kids are so ready to be done at this point, but they all have school tomorrow.

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