Monday, May 21, 2018

Stockton's Recognition Night

Today was such a great day! I took Jorja to Chick-Fil-A after school for her second job interview. She got the job! She is pretty excited about that. My dad took Preston to diving which was so nice. There was no way we were going to be able to get him there. Mike stopped by Walmart and picked up Stockton's graduation pictures we finally printed out. I love how they turned out!
Stockton's graduation pictures
Alta had their Principal Recognition Night tonight. It is pretty much the only time academics gets honored, so it was great. Also long. Really long. I remember not getting a great seat when Maysen had her night. The school has a reception for about thirty minutes before the ceremony. I snuck into the auditorium and saved three seats. I was glad I did! I also picked up a program on my way out. Immediately I noticed something wrong. I'll get to that later. Anyway, Stockton was honored, a lot. It was well deserved too. He was one of eight 4.0 kids. Each of the counselors said a little bit about the 3.9 students they were over. The principal talked about the 4.0 kids. It's too bad Alta doesn't have valedictorians anymore. Eight isn't an unreasonable amount.
 Stockton getting a box and a plaque for his 4.0
Stockton was surprised how many people cheered for him. He said, "I got Nate Brown level cheers." He also laughed when they said he was 2nd in the state diving competition. He was actually 3rd thanks to Camden having an insanely good meet that day!
This is part of the program that was wrong. All the Sterling Scholars that are printed here are from last year. I couldn't believe it! I wanted to say something to the principal. I was waiting for him, but then other people came up to talk to him. I wondered if he knew about the mistake. I guess I should have made more of an effort. He didn't know. He announced last years Sterling Scholars and was quite embarrassed when he realized what happened. He said, "Okay, all the Sterling Scholars come up and get your rope!" It was kind of funny. I was wishing he would have the kids say their names and category as they came up.
The rope is really cool looking. We didn't think he got a rope for Sterling Scholar. It wasn't on the list. I picked up all six of Stockton's ropes awhile ago. They were $6 a piece. It was much cooler to be awarded the rope, plus it was free! He also got a yellow/silver rope for the Honors diploma, which is the highest diploma offered.
Sterling Scholars getting their ropes
 Stockton receiving his hawk medallion
A few days later Stockton was called out of class and asked to go to the office. He was in the middle of taking a math test. Good thing those tests are easy for him. Alta had reprinted the program so if we wanted one with his name in the Sterling Scholar spot for a scrapbook we could have one. That was nice of them to do.
At the end of the super long ceremony the principal had the Sterling Scholars come back up and be recognized. That was nice. Too bad they didn't mention that Addie Wray won the entire thing! That is a huge deal!
Jack, Amber, Maggie, Lydia, Nate, Rachelle, Emma, Hannah, Anna, Addie, Stockton
It was pretty funny how loud people cheered for Stockton. As he was walking back after receiving his Hawk Medallion someone yelled, "I like your sideburns!" The Affleck's were sitting behind us and commented that Stockton looked like a rabbi. Hahahaha! We were wondering what was in the box the 4.0 students were given. Stockton thought it was probably laffy taffy. It wasn't. It was a watch! Alta High School and 4.0 GPA Award are engraved on it. How cool is that?????
Jorja, Mike, Stockton
 Jorja, Stockton
 The Watch
We went to Iceburg after to celebrate, then home to bed. Tonight was so cool, but it was LONG! I am TIRED! Stockton sure is amazing. It was nice for him to be recognized for all of his hard work. So many people came up to him and congratulated him. As Madison would say, "He was the star of the show!" Hahahaha

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